WBAChronicle.com is an independent and unofficial website and is in no way connected to West Bromwich Albion Football Club. The views and opinions expressed in the material on this site are not those of West Bromwich Albion Football Club, nor are they necessarily shared by the editor of this site.
Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within this site, WBAChronicle.com accepts no responsibility for any use made of the information provided and shall not be liable for any loss suffered thereby.
All content is the property of WBAChronicle.com unless otherwise stated and may not be reproduced without express, prior permission.
Some content and information has been extracted / modified from other sources. In these instances all credit is given to those sources where possible and WBAChronicle.com do not take any credit or responsibility for the content and information.
WBAChronicle.com is not responsible for the content of the various websites to which we have provided links.
Editorial Policy
All contributions are welcome although racist, sexist, libellous or abusive submissions will not be considered for publication. All material forwarded to WBAChronicle.com is subject to editorial review.
We have no wish to abuse copyright regulations and apologise unreservedly if this occurs. If you own any of the material used on this site, and object to its inclusion, please contact us and we will either remove the material, or if preferred, give proper acknowledgement.
We would consider providing advertising space to help towards running costs of the site, please contact us for more information.
Getting Involved
We are always looking for people to help with this site, whether it be by writing match reports, articles, ground reviews, your memories of the club or by contributing photographs, anything Albion related will be considered. It can be on a regular basis or it can be a one-off contribution. Please get in touch if you can help in anyway.
Some of the information on this site has been extracted from / clarified against the following sources. Thanks to all those listed and to the many other people who have over the years devoted their time to writing about ‘The Albion’:
The Official Club Programme
The Baggies Newspaper
West Bromwich Albion The Complete Record – Tony Matthews (2007)
The Official Encyclopedia of West Bromwich Albion – Tony Matthews (2002)
The First Hundred Years – Glenn Gilmore (1979)
West Bromwich Albion A Complete Record – Tony Matthews (1993)
Grorty Dick Fanzine
Thanks to:
John Nicholls
Michelle Harrison
Tony Matthews
Christine Vernon
Paul Swift
Sharon Stanworth
Michael Nicholls
Adam Nicholls
Wendy Nicholls
Katie Nicholls
Dave Hewitt
Malcolm Holmes
Jordan Cooper